Friday, July 01, 2016

#majellaproject #campnanowrimo schedule and days

Monthly Calendar for July 2016: iCal
1-30 July 2016: three sessions of the Majella Project

Monthly Calendar for July 2016: iCal
10-31 July 2016: 1100; 1700; 2100 sessions of the Majella Project

At the moment I am very excited about the CampNaNoWriMo write in which is at 6pm Pacific Standard Time [the home of the Office of Letters and Light where NaNoWriMo is based].

On the first day of #campnanowrimo I wrote 2898 words of The Majella Project.

Started with the prompt I never thought I was so good at and filled in doctoring for the main character/protagonist Majella.

Sister Majella has been in a great many projects ever since she was a child and teenager in Albania.

A few years ago she started working for Doctors without Borders in Juba, South Sudan.

Her medical specialism is paediatric medicine.

I set three alerts to make me write: one for an hour before and the other for 15 minutes before the writing time.

Two other people in the cabin spoke up as well.

Now I must try to feed my mouse with BlueTooth ... the battery is so very very low.

Right now Majella is on a cruise in the Comoros. And I am thinking of her going to Swaziland too.

Respect and best wishes ...